Start 4th term in Barcelona / バルセロナでの新学期が始まった

The 4th term starts from today in Barcelona (though I already did the intensive module in Sao Paulo). I felt that I came back to my place when I reached the campus and met with friends.

All of the classes in 1st year were required, on the other hand, ones in 2nd year are elective. I decided my classes in 4th term following the criteria, Emarging Market, Entrepreneurial Management, and Leadership.

For Emerging Market, I did the intensive module in Sao Paulo. I learned about the context of business environment in LATAM, Finance and Marketing in emerging market, and cross cultural management. I brushed up and honed my past experiences in terms of entrance and growth strategy formulation to emerging market for my client companies.

For Entrepreneurial Management, I opt 2 classes, Working for Start Up and Leading Growth: Strategies and Challenges. The former is, as its name suggests, to work for a certain Start Up company. It is just like a part time internship with a half credit. The latter is to learn about required things for both start up and established companies to grow through case study and consulting project.

For Leadership, I opt the class, Personality and Leadership. I will clarify my values, strengths and weaknesses, and leadership style through counselling by professional etc. I have reviewed my professional and personal life several times (i.e. essay writing for MBA) and will do so in my future; however, I found new things about myself through the 1 year at IESE and therefore would like to organize them to control myself better.

To complement Entrepreneurial Management, I opt 2 classes, Management Control and New Product Development. They don’t focus on Start Up and I will learn how companies continuously implement their strategy and incubate their new growth opportunities. My past experiences are for large enterprises; thus, I would like to hone them to understand the difference between Start Up and established company clearer.

Anyway, I would like to stretch myself as much as possible.




1st yearが全て必修だったのに対し、2nd yearは全てが選択だ。僕は、3つの軸で科目選択をした。Emerging Market | Entrepreneurial Management | Leadership だ。

Emerging Marketはサン・パウロでのインテンシブが該当する。Latin AmericaのContextに加えて、新興国でのFinanceやMarketing、Cross Cultural Managementの勘所を学んだ。過去のIndiaを中心に新興国への参入戦略、そこでの成長戦略立案のコンサルティングの経験を整理できた。

Entrepreneurial Managementは次の2つのクラスが該当する。Working for Start UpとLeading Growth: Strategies and Challengesだ。前者はその名の通りで、Start Upで働く。パートタイムのインターンシップの経験に単位がついてくるようなものだ。後者はケーススタディと実企業へのコンサルティングプロジェクトを通じて企業を成長させるのに必要な戦略とその実行を学ぶ。成長著しいStart Upとそのフェーズを過ぎた成熟企業双方に関する経験ができるクラスだ。

Leadershipは次のクラスが該当する。Personality and Leadershipだ。自身のリーダーシップスタイルを強めるために自身の過去であり強み弱みをプロフェッショナルからのカウンセリング等を通じて明確にしていく。自分を省みることは仕事を通じてもまさに留学準備を通じても何度となくしてきたことだ。これはこれからも時折繰り返すことだと思う。そうであっても、この留学期間中に一度まとまった時間をとって客観的な視点も入れてやっておきたいと思った。IESEに来てからの1年で新たに見えた自身の強みや弱みもある。それらを持った自分とどううまくつきあっていくべきなのか一度こたえを出したい。

また、Entrepreneurial Managementに関連して次の2つのクラスを選択した。Management ControlとNew Product Developmentだ。Start Upに焦点を当てたクラスではないが、企業がどのように体系だてて戦略を実行し結果を出し続けていけるか、新たな成長の種を生み出し続けていけるかを学ぶ。自身の経験が大企業に関連するものに集中しているので、その経験を整理し磨くほど、Start Upで必要なそれとの違いを明確に理解できると考える。



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