One thing for good communication|健全なコミュニケーションに必要なひとつのこと

One thing for good communication is to separate fact and other things derived from it and opt your reaction following the fact, not other things. You have to understand that the more you follow not the fact but the things derived from it within your mind the more the possibility of which you cause misunderstanding and get trouble becomes.

For example, in a case of Personality and Leadership, when a person got a feedback for his important report from an executive whose age is same with him after its submission and the feedback was so detail with red handwritten letters, he felt that the executive accused his report and inhibit him from promotion; then, he resented and tried to revenge on her (of course with smart way, not directly aggressive).

As you know, in this case, he didn’t follow the fact but the things, emotion and assumption, derived from the fact within his mind. The fact and derived things are

  • The fact: he got a feedback for his important report (though the timing was too late to revise)
  • Derived things: he felt the executive accused him and didn’t acknowledge his capability. he assumed she prevented him from promotion

If he focused on the fact. His proper reaction would be

  • First of all, he should say “thank you” for the feedback because it is a input to improve his report
  • Second, he should ask her for providing feedback before deadline of the report to secure the buffer when he revises
  • Third, if he had any points he didn’t catch the meanings, he should confirm them

After that, he should also clarify her intention with acknowledgement that it was just his assumption.

In the situation especially the derived things are negative emotion, you have to be careful to separate it from the fact because the negative emotion becomes a message that the counter person is the person who behave with such vicious intention. Who wants to make good relationship with the person who believe you are vicious.

On the other hand, the more you are in tough situation, the more you easily bond the fact and derived things (often these are negative emotion).

Be careful. Whether she/he is good person for you depends on how you regard and deal with him/her.



Personality and Leadershipのクラスのケースを例にする。主人公はあるマガジンの発行を任されており、幾度にもわたるレビューをうけ、ようやくリリース。満足の行く結果を得られたと感じていた。プロモーションを考えても大切な仕事であった。するとその直後、ある年の近いエグゼクティブから手書きのレビューが届く。彼女は事業部の違う、しかし社内でのポジションは彼と同程度と思われる人物だった。詳細にわたって赤入れがなされており、コメントを参照するように、と書き添えられていた。彼はこのタイミングでこのようなことをするのは、彼女が彼の仕事を邪魔している、出世を妨げようとしていると感じた。結果彼は、激昂し、大人の作法で復習しようと考える。


  • 事実:彼は彼女から彼の重要なアウトプットに対するフィードバックを受けとった。タイミングは修正には遅すぎたが。
  • 派生したもの:彼は彼女が自身の仕事を阻害していると感じた。彼は彼女が彼の出世を妨げようとしているように感じた。


  • まず最初にお礼を言う。自身のアウトプットをよりよいものにする可能性のあるフィードバックをもらえたのだから
  • 次に彼女に、次回からはもっと早いタイミングでフィードバックをもらえるようにしたいと依頼する。そうすればそれを反映する時間がとれるのだから
  • そして、内容について理解の及ばない点があったらそれを確認する




