The Will to Lead: Running a Business With a Network of Leaders
I lately don’ t read books because of my priority in work and private; however, I read the book. The title provoked within my mind that the book has the tips or implications for ideal company in the future like ones I learned from ”THE FUTURE OF MANAGEMENT”(邦題: 経営の未来) by Gary Hamel and has the words from a professional, Marvin Bower.
The book starts with five professional responsibilities as I hoped.

1. To put client interests ahead of firm interests.
2. To adhere to the highest standards of truthfulness, integrity, and trustworthiness.
3. To maintain in confidence the private and proprietary information of client organizations and any sensitive opinions of individuals within client organizations.
4. To maintain an independent position, being ready to differ with client executives and to tell them the truth as we see it, even though that may adversely affect firm income or endanger continuance of the relationship.
5. To provide only services for wichi the firm is competent and that provide full value for the client.

After that, Marvin divides companies into two categories. Ones are managed with comand and control, others are managed with network of leaders. He then describes how to convert from comand and control to network of leaders not only with macro view but also with micro one, how to manage or collaborate with employees, and how to govern such leadership company.
I cite some descriptions impressed me at the bottom of this entry.
Through reading this book, I reconsidered the ideal company I imagine. In such companies, people unleash all of their potential. They never confine their motivations and capabilities in their job descriptions or minimum tasks to achieve business objectives. The outputs of such people conversely realize visions of companies and construct the sheer business targets.
On the other hand, I sometime misunderstood that the company which has sophisticated and strict organization, report line, and management structure equals the one in which people don’t release their potential because of the strict and strong management style to achieve the company objectives. The formula is however not right not only because companies need to such structure and management process to promise business growths with their stockholders as corporations but also because people basically freely to select the company for which they work and then they select one in which they can profoundly enjoy their work (I nevertheless know that it is a little difficult or not simple for people to do so in reality…)
Anyway, people never forget the things above and the other thing that “company” is one of the tools people invented to enjoy their work more effectively and efficiently in past; thus, people never be utilized by such tools.
This is only a rough idea but I believe it is also one of basic thoughts of the will to lead oneself.

The Qualities and Attributes of Leading
-Unassuming Behavior
-Leaders Listen
-A Leader Is Open-Minded
-Sensitivity to People
-Sensitivity to Situations
-Initiative, Initiative, Initiative
-Good Judgement
-Flexibility and Adaptability
-The Capacity to Make Sound and Timely Decisions
-The Capacity to Motivate
-A sense of Urgency

Leaders in a company should react positively when they first meet or get together with their colleagues: That is a good beginning for building self-confidence and self-esteem. A leader always makes a positive impression. People should look forward to seeing a leader.

Don’t rush conversion. There is no need for speed – no need for an overall master plan. Rather, conversion should be done a step at a time, providing opportunities for creativity and experimentation.

There will be no need for an organization chart. Such a chart shows positions, responsibilities, and lines of authority, ,who reports to whom: in other words, a “visual” for hierarchy. In a leadership company, coordination is provided through relationships – who leads whom. So after all present command-and-control activities and people have been assigned, there might be a design diagram showing these “coordinating relationships.”

But perhaps you, as chief executive, are reluctant to let go of authority, which gives you a feeling of security. You need not be afraid of letting go because you can easily take authority back. In fact, one of the problems of converting to leadership is that the learner of leadership slips back into exercising authority. To learn to lead, you must have the will to lead.
