What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20

What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20: A Crash Course on Making Your Place in the World
Tina Seelig (著)
最近本を読む時間を減らしているわ、洋書を読むようになって日本語よりは時間がかかるわで読み終えた本の数を見ると減少著しい。それでも面白いものは面白い。この本は2-3ヶ月程度前に少々話題になった『20歳のときに知っておきたかったこと スタンフォード大学集中講義』の原著。英語も難しくなく表現もスマートなのでいい程良い英語のエクササイズにもなると思う。

Problems are abundant, just waiting for those willing to find inventive solutions. This takes acute observation, coordinated teamwork, the ability to execute a plan, a willingness to learn from failure, and creative problem solving. But the first requirement is having the attitude that the problem can be solved.

Don’t ask permission, but beg for forgiveness.

You are not your company. You are not your product. It is real easy to think you are and it is real easy to get wrapped up in it… But if you fail, or even if you are successful, it is not you. Your company may fail, your product may fail, but you aren’t the failure.

every day you should act like a foreign traveler by being acutely aware of your environment. In everyday life we tend to put on blinders and cruise down well-worn paths, rarely stopping to look around. But as a traveler in a foreign country, you see the world with fresh eyes and dramatically increase the density of your experiences.

Successful team players understand what drives each person on the team and look for ways to make them successful. Additionally, great leaders figure out a way for everyone to play to his or her individual strengths.

There’s a significant difference between being competitive and being driven toward an objective. Being competitive implies a zero-sum game in which you succeed at someone else’s expense. Being driven involves tapping into your own passion to make things happen.

the most interesting things happen when you get off the predictable path, when you challenge assumptions, and when you give yourself permission to see the world as opportunity rich and full of possibility.